Classrooms and Laboratories

 Classrooms and Laboratories of the College of Information Technology

In pursuit of the objectives of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University and the College of Information Technology to link academic programs with their practical fields and focus on the practical aspect of teaching by providing students with hands-on experience, the college has been equipped with specialized scientific laboratories for the courses offered in various fields of information technology since its inception.

The computer laboratories at the College of Information Technology consist of eight (8) modern labs, in addition to the Dual Study Program lab, which was supported by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and enhances the existing laboratory infrastructure at the College of Information Technology at the university. These labs are interconnected through an advanced local computer network. Additionally, there are 5 computer-equipped classrooms, each containing a computer and a data show projector.

The computer-equipped classrooms and laboratories are connected to the international information network (the Internet) through a leased line, which is used by both professors and students to access the latest studies and published research to benefit from them in their scientific studies and research. The university also subscribes to the electronic library (EBSCO), which provides access to published articles in thousands of peer-reviewed international scientific journals.

The operation of the main lab systems has been upgraded by providing storage space for each student, where their daily work is stored continuously. In addition, each student is given an email address and can access college materials and their email from anywhere outside the university labs (on the internet), saving time and effort in studying, communicating with professors, and accessing course materials.

The computer labs contain many programs and systems essential for students, and the university strives to keep up with various developments in hardware, equipment, systems, and software to achieve maximum benefit and expand communication between students and the university, even after graduation.

The laboratory operating hours extend from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, from Sunday to Thursday weekly.



Table 1: Laboratory Supervisors and Technicians

Laboratory Employee Name Position Academic Qualification & Specialization Lab Capacity Lab Area
Lab (1) Mohammed Fnatseh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems 38 computers 72 m²
Lab (2) Islam Sbayhat Lab Supervisor Master's in Computer Science 38 computers 72 m²
Lab (3) Hazem Al-Tarawneh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Science 28 computers 48 m²
Lab (4) Hazem Al-Tarawneh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Science 28 computers 48 m²
Lab (5) Hazem Al-Tarawneh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Science 27 computers 48 m²
Lab (6) Hazem Al-Tarawneh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Science 28 computers 48 m²
Lab (7) Islam Sbayhat Lab Supervisor Master's in Computer Science 21 computers 36 m²
Internet of Things Lab Mohammed Fnatseh Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems 13 computers 36 m²
GIZ Lab Fatima Al-Sharari Lab Supervisor Bachelor's in Software Engineering 20 computers 48 m²