College of Arts / Department of International relations and strategic studies

أ.د. مدثر جميل مشحن ابو كركي

أ.د. مدثر جميل مشحن ابو كركي

Curriculum Vitae
  • Major:
  • College: College of Arts
  • Department(s): International relations and strategic studies Department
  • E-mail:
  • Phone No.: 00962-777625252

الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية من جامعة مومبي( الهند)  عضو هيئة تدرس في جامعة الحسين بن طلال منذو عام 2006 , برتب استاذ منذو عام 2017,  تدرييس معظم مساقات البلكالوريس في قسم الاعلام و الدراستات الاستراتيجية في جامعة الحسين بن طلال و بعض مواد الدكتوره في جامعة مؤته كمحاضر متفرغ , الاشراف على عدد من رسائل الدكتوراه و عضو مناقشة العديد من رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه

العلوم السياسية - العلاقات الدولية -حقوق الانسان

M International Law for Juvenile Delinquents A Study in International Conventions. Journal of Politics and Law and Politics. Mu’tah University,
Instances of Contradiction in the translation of Trumps Speeches: An Empirical Study
Democracy and Judicial Controlling in Jordan: A Constitutional Study from Jordan. Journal of Politics and Law, Canada
. Criminal Liability of Head of State Crimes Under the International Criminal Law. Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Research Journal
. Volunteering Awareness among Al-Hussein Bin Talal Students’ and its effects on the level of their Political Participation . Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Research Journal
The Political Culture Pattern of the Members of Professional Associations and its Effect on their Attitudes Towards The Political Movement in Jordan
Democratic Climate in Institutions of Higher Education in Jordan. Journal of the Social Sciences. University of Kuwait, Kuwait Vol.39:4.
The Protection of Rights of Minorities under Jordanian and Indian Constitutions: A comparative Legal Study. Journal of Politics and Law and Politics. Mu’tah University Vol4:1.
The Impact of Corruption on Human Rights and the Legal Mechanisms for its Compacting: Case of Jordan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Italy.
Judicial Review and the visions for Establishing the constitutional Court as a tool for the Protection of Human Rights in Jordan legal and Political Study. European Journal of Social Sciences
Protection of Human rights in light of the Jordanian Legal System (The study of the Experience of the National Centre for Human Rights).Journal of International Politics
Ideological Shifts in Political Translation. International Journal of politics. Australia
Protection of Human Rights under the Criminal Justice System of Jordan; Analytical and comparative Study. Journal of Law policy and Globalization.
Political tendencies of syndicate members toward Jordanian political movement during the Arab uprising in Jordan. Journal of social affairs
Attitudes of Professional Associations Member Towards Jordanian Political Mobility during the Arab Spring Ear, Journal of Social Affairs
Instances of Contradiction in the translation of Trumps Speeches: An Empirical Study. Meta 1:2 pp121-220.

(2007)              Symposium on "International Human Law" organized by the Red Cross

(2009)              IKRAB International conference university of Kebangsang. The Role of Media and Globalization in Effecting Temporary International Relations:

 Realities and Alternatives. Malaysia.

(2009)              Roundtable on "Teaching IHL at the Faculties of Political Sciences and Journalism" at the National Commission (NCIIHL) Headquarters. Amman

(2011)              Conducting Dialogue for Jordan : Youth Forum.  Organized by King Abdullah II fund for Development and Jordan University. Dead Sea

(2012)              Summer School on the Current Political and Economical issues in the Mediterranean. Calabrian  Institute of International Politics. Italy

(2013)              Kick -Off Meeting for the Erasmus Mendus, Spain.

(2014)              Roundtable Discussion on “Jordanian-Polish Relations and Challenges” Al-Hayat  Hotel. Amman

(2015)              The thirteenth conference for the scientific committee for the Arab Universities Union “Learning  in the colleges of Arts and Humanities”. Lebanon

(2015)             Jean Monette, Actions, Promotions Project  (JMAPP). Lebanon.

Media and Digital Literacy, Lebanese American University Institute of Media Research. Training and Participation.  Academy of  Beirut 2016.

Mu’tah University Computer Driving License, MUCDL Foundation. 2016

رئيس لجنة الايجار و الاستجار 
عضو لجنة العطاءات 
رئيس لجنة التامين الصحي 
عضو لجنة شؤون الموظفين 
عضو مجلس جامعة 
عضو العديد من لجان التحقيق للموظفين 
رئيس لجان تحقيق مع الموظفين 
عضو لجان تخريج الطلبه 
عضو لجان التحقيق مع الطلبه 

الاشراف على  اربع رسائل جامعة  ( الدكتوراه ) جامعة مؤته

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Award to carry out  an Academic staff stay to conduct research for one month during 2016 at the University de Santiago de Compostela in Spain as part of the project program for Excellence Academy Cooperation Exchange.

(22/4/2017) ERASMUS + KA 107 Teaching staff mobility Award. International staff week at the university of Santiago de Compostela

محاضر متفرغ في الجامعة الاردنية 
محاضر متفرغ في جامعة الحسين بن طلال 
محتضر متفرغ جامعة موتة 
عضو هئية تدريس في جامعة الحسين بن طلال من عام 2006 الى الان 
استاذ مشارك 2012
استاذ دكتور من عام 2017
استاذ 2017

عميد كلية الاداب , عميد شؤون الطلبة بالوكالة , نائب عميد شؤون الطلبة, مساعد عميد شؤون الطلبة , مدير وحدة الخدمات و الصيانه, مديرمكتب صندوق الملك عبدالله الثاني للتنمية , رئيس قسم الاعلام و الدراسات الاستراتيجية, مديرمركز تطوير اعضاء هيئة التدريس . 

PhD level

General International Law (Part time Academic staff, Mu’tah University 2015-2016)

Comparative political Systems (Part time Academic staff, Mu’tah University 2015-2016)

Contemporary political systems (Part time Academic staff, Mu’tah University 2016-2017)

B.A Level

International and Regional Organizations

Democracy and Human Rights

Research Seminar

Political Thought and International Relations in Islam

Hashemite Political Thought

Jordanian Political System

Principles of Political Science

Principles of International Relations

International and Economical Relations

International Crisis Management

Current Regional and International Issues

Jordanian Foreign Policy

National Education

Diplomatic and Consulate Systems

Academic qualifications and certificates

الدكتوره في العلوم السياسية / العلاقات الدولية 

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