كلية العلوم / قسم الرياضيات

د. ابراهيم علي الجوارنة

أستاذ مشارك
د. ابراهيم علي الجوارنة

Ibrahim Jawarneh is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Algebraic Topology from New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA in 2018. His research interests are in the areas of algebraic topology (Conley Index), topology (point-set), generalized topology, fuzzy topological space, dynamical systems, statistics, algebra, complex analysis. Ibrahim Jawarneh is involved in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate programs, and he is supervisor for many Master students. Ibrahim Jawarneh always participates in international conferences. Recently, he has published many articles in ISI and Scopus journals. He teaches many courses such as general topology for graduate (Master program), topology, abstract algebra I, abstract algebra II, calculus I, calculus II coordinator), calculus III, advanced calculus, and linear algebra.   Ibrahim Jawarneh was graduate assistant at New Mexico State University - USA, 2014 – 2018, he has taught math 120 (Intermediate Algebra), math 142 (BUS/BIOL Calculus), calculus I and II, stat 251(STAT – BSN/BHVRL SCNCS), stat 271 statistics for psychological sciences.   Ibrahim Jawarneh was lecturer at Taif University - KSA, 2006 – 2013, he has taught calculus I, II, III, college algebra, complex Analysis, differential equations, euclidean geometry, statistics and probability for science, mathematical statistics, biostatistics for medicine and pharmacy colleges       

Algebraic topology and its applications (Conley index), Topology (point-set), Generalized topology, Fuzzy topological space, Dynamical systems, Statistics, Algebra, Complex analysis  

NeSA 9th International Conference-NMSU-USA, April 1st, 20 G raduate Research and Art Symposium (GRAS), NMSU-USA, April 7th, 2017 20 th Joint UTEP/NMSU-USA.Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, andComputational Sciences, April 8th, 2017 2nd International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences (ICMRS 2019) Antalya-Turkey. Detecting Biological Connections Between Some Equilibria in a Nutrient Prey-Predator Model by Homology Conley Index Method

Doha Barham, A Modified Van Der Pol Oscillator: A Topological Method Approach Shahed Abourotha, Quotient Topology in A Generalized Topology Mohammad Al-Hazaimeh, Complex Fuzzy Topological Space on A Complex Fuzzy Space Ahmed Badarneh, Compact and Lindelof spaces in A Generalized Topology  Ahmad Abd Alnabi, Hyper Q-fuzzy HX Groups Moumin Bni Amer, Complex Bipolar Multi-Fuzzy Sets

Associate professor at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, 2021 - until now - Jordan,  I have taught different courses in mathematics for undergraduate and graduate programs. Assistant Professor at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, 14-8-2018 -14-8-2021, I have taught General Topology for graduate (Master program) Topology Abstract Algebra I Abstract Algebra II Calculus I, Calculus II (Coordinator), Calculus III, and Advanced Calculus Linear Algebra.  Graduate Assistant at New Mexico State University - USA, 2014 – 2018, I have taught Math 120 (Intermediate Algebra) Math 142 (BUS/BIOL Calculus) Calculus I and II Stat 251(STAT – BSN/BHVRL SCNCS) Stat 271 Statistics for Psychological Sciences Lecturer at Taif University - KSA, 2006 – 2013, I have taught  Calculus I, II, III College Algebra Complex Analysis Differential Equations Euclidean Geometry Statistics and Probability for Science Mathematical Statistics Biostatistics for Medicine and Pharmacy Colleges Teacher of Mathematics in Public schools, 2001 – 2006, in Jordan

Topology-Algebra-Dynamical Systems

General Topology for graduate (Master program) Topology Abstract Algebra I Abstract Algebra II Calculus I, Calculus II (Coordinator), Calculus III, and Advanced Calculus Linear Algebra Math 120 (Intermediate Algebra) Math 142 (BUS/BIOL Calculus) Calculus I and II Stat 251(STAT – BSN/BHVRL SCNCS) Stat 271 Statistics for Psychological Sciences College Algebra Complex Analysis Differential Equations Euclidean Geometry Statistics and Probability for Science Mathematical Statistics Biostatistics for Medicine and Pharmacy Colleges

المؤهلات العلمية و الشهادات

Ph.D in Mathematics - New Mexico State University, USA, May 11, 2018  Master in Mathematics - New Mexico State University, USA, December 15, 2015 Master in Mathematics - Al al-Bayt University, Jordan, June, 2005 Bachelor in Mathematics -Yarmouk University, Jordan, June, 2001  

الساعات المكتبية