كلية الهندسة / قسم هندسة الحاسوب

د. بلال إبراهيم عيسى القضاه

أستاذ مساعد
د. بلال إبراهيم عيسى القضاه

  • السيرة الذاتية
  • التخصص: أمن المعلومات و الخصوصية
  • الكلية: كلية الهندسة
  • القسم : قسم هندسة الحاسوب
  • البريد الالكتروني: alqudah@ahu.edu.jo
  • رقم الهاتف: +(962) 321-79000



Dr. Bilal Alqudah currently is Assistant Professor at the College of Information Technology at       Al-Hussien Bin Talal University (AHU), Maan- Jordan, served as the Chair of Computer Science Department in act then the Chair of Department of Computer Information Systems. Currently, Dr. Alqudah serves in several committees at College of Information Technology working to improve academic work, research, and social life for students and staff at school. Dr. Alqudah established the training lab at AHU- College of IT providing practical training for AHU students in programming and technology. He gives seminars and training courses for both students and staff and coordinates student teams participating in national or international competitions.


Dr. Alqudah serve as an International Expert in Cyber Security, Privacy Protection, and Computer Security at Penal Reform International (PRI) providing a specialized training in middle east and North Africa. Dr. Alqudah is a lecturer and trainer for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency and has lectures sponsored by EDRAK, Central Bank of Jordan, and Islamic Bank of Jordan.


During his PhD study, Alqudah served as a teaching assistant and a software developer at Southern Methodist University (SMU) at Dallas, Texas, USA. Alqudah received two of the best research awards in 2014 and 2015 at Lyle school of Engineering at SMU. He completed a PhD degree Computer Science and Engineering- specialized in Computer Security and Privacy Protection (2015) and master’s degrees (2007) in Computer Science from Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering. In (1999) Alqudah earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science, focusing in his study in natural language processing and compiler design, from Mut’ah University at Karak, Jordan. He did a partial study towards master’s degree in MIS. He is studying information privacy, security, networked trust and policy exchange, access control and cryptographic access

control. Dr. Alqudah academic work is very cross-disciplinary and utilizes analytic, empirical and experimental methodologies.


Research Interests: Computer Security, Access Controlling, Cryptography and Cryptocurrency(blockchain) , network security, Policy Design.

Computer Scurity, Privacy protection, Cyber Security , Access Controlling, Policy Management

Toward Multi-Service Electronic Medical Records Structure
  • ملخص البحث
  • EMR, or Electronic Medical Records, considered as the modern way of managing patients’ records. Providing electronic medical health records can improve the quality of service, increase the level of health care provided, save manpower, and resources. Due to the accelerated development in health care, and the adaption of computer and network technology, concerns like information misuse, privacy violation, and identity theft are evolving rapidly. However, depending on traditional access control, encryption, and physical security, each as independent solution, may not be sufficient in an environment where attacks from inside and outside can occur equally likely.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
EHR security and privacy: Encountering honest-but-curious attacks through selective multi-level access control policy
  • ملخص البحث
  • The expansion in automation, digitalization, and network communication in the health care sector provided advantage and developed concerns regarding privacy protection and data security. The knowledge provided by medical and auxiliary data can reveal identity with high accuracy. The value of Electronic Medical Records comes from its content, the amount of personal information it hold, and its impact if disclosed to the public. Being identifiable based on none quasi-identifiers gives an indication of the problem complexity where data cannot be contained in one location.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Towards Multiservice Sensor Networks.
  • ملخص البحث
  • Sensor networks have been used in many applications such as health monitoring, structural monitoring, transportation networks, weather prediction, and border security. In most of these applications, sensors are used to report single phenomena/feature from the monitored field. This reporting is usually done frequently; however, the characteristics of the monitored field might not frequently change. On the other hand, there are some new types of smart sensors that can report multiple features (services) such as reporting temperature and humidity at the same time. We call such sensors as “multiservice sensors”. Using multiservice sensors in reporting to a centralized base station (sink node) and/or frequently report the field features generates a huge number of messages to be transmitted through the network; certainly this becomes worth in dense multi hop networks. In this paper, we propose a framework for single and multiservice sensor networks that is based on the idea of reporting only when there is a reasonable change in the monitored phenomena. Our framework is applicable for multipurpose sensor networks as well. The framework is tested against the flooding protocol and showed a considerable enhancement in prolonging the sensor network lifetime and saving sensors energy.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Sensor Replacement Based Energy Mapping.
  • ملخص البحث
  • Sensor networks have been used extensively in many applications to monitor different phenomena in the monitored field. These networks have to continue working without interruption for better monitoring as well as to satisfy the applications requirements. For such reasons, replacement of depleted and/or broken sensors is an essential task. In this paper, we propose to use energy map based prediction to define the blind spots in the monitored field. In addition, we propose three different algorithms for the best replacement. The first algorithm benefits from one of the important characteristic of the sensors which is the state switching. The second algorithm exploits the mobility to replace the energy depleted sensors. Finally, a distributed replacement algorithm is proposed for dense sensor networks to reduce the number of messages that need to be sent from/to the sink node. Different sets of experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of our algorithms.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Sensor Deployment Using Billiards Algorithm
  • ملخص البحث
  • This paper proposes a Billiards algorithm for two sensor deployment problems, random and deterministic deployment. The deployment considers both homogenous and heterogeneous sensors. The algorithm aims to maximize the coverage of a given monitored field with obstacles. The coverage is maximized by avoiding sensors overlapping and minimizing the uncovered areas. By adjusting the expansion ratio, the algorithm was able to find the best sensing ranges that maximize the field coverage. The conducted experiments point out the effect of expansion ratio, iterations between expansions, number of collisions, and mobility, on the overall coverage. At the same time, Billiards algorithm shows significant improvement in the coverage performance from the initial field’s coverage.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Toward Multi-Service Electronic Medical Records Structure
  • ملخص البحث
  • EMR, or Electronic Medical Records, considered as the modern way of managing patients’ records. Providing electronic medical health records can improve the quality of service, increase the level of health care provided, save manpower, and resources. Due to the accelerated development in health care, and the adaption of computer and network technology, concerns like information misuse, privacy violation, and identity theft are evolving rapidly. However, depending on traditional access control, encryption, and physical security, each as independent solution, may not be sufficient in an environment where attacks from inside and outside can occur equally likely.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
EHR security and privacy: Encountering honest-but-curious attacks through selective multi-level access control policy
  • ملخص البحث
  • The expansion in automation, digitalization, and network communication in the health care sector provided advantage and developed concerns regarding privacy protection and data security. The knowledge provided by medical and auxiliary data can reveal identity with high accuracy. The value of Electronic Medical Records comes from its content, the amount of personal information it hold, and its impact if disclosed to the public. Being identifiable based on none quasi-identifiers gives an indication of the problem complexity where data cannot be contained in one location.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Towards Multiservice Sensor Networks.
  • ملخص البحث
  • Sensor networks have been used in many applications such as health monitoring, structural monitoring, transportation networks, weather prediction, and border security. In most of these applications, sensors are used to report single phenomena/feature from the monitored field. This reporting is usually done frequently; however, the characteristics of the monitored field might not frequently change. On the other hand, there are some new types of smart sensors that can report multiple features (services) such as reporting temperature and humidity at the same time. We call such sensors as “multiservice sensors”. Using multiservice sensors in reporting to a centralized base station (sink node) and/or frequently report the field features generates a huge number of messages to be transmitted through the network; certainly this becomes worth in dense multi hop networks. In this paper, we propose a framework for single and multiservice sensor networks that is based on the idea of reporting only when there is a reasonable change in the monitored phenomena. Our framework is applicable for multipurpose sensor networks as well. The framework is tested against the flooding protocol and showed a considerable enhancement in prolonging the sensor network lifetime and saving sensors energy.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Sensor Replacement Based Energy Mapping.
  • ملخص البحث
  • Sensor networks have been used extensively in many applications to monitor different phenomena in the monitored field. These networks have to continue working without interruption for better monitoring as well as to satisfy the applications requirements. For such reasons, replacement of depleted and/or broken sensors is an essential task. In this paper, we propose to use energy map based prediction to define the blind spots in the monitored field. In addition, we propose three different algorithms for the best replacement. The first algorithm benefits from one of the important characteristic of the sensors which is the state switching. The second algorithm exploits the mobility to replace the energy depleted sensors. Finally, a distributed replacement algorithm is proposed for dense sensor networks to reduce the number of messages that need to be sent from/to the sink node. Different sets of experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of our algorithms.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
Sensor Deployment Using Billiards Algorithm
  • ملخص البحث
  • This paper proposes a Billiards algorithm for two sensor deployment problems, random and deterministic deployment. The deployment considers both homogenous and heterogeneous sensors. The algorithm aims to maximize the coverage of a given monitored field with obstacles. The coverage is maximized by avoiding sensors overlapping and minimizing the uncovered areas. By adjusting the expansion ratio, the algorithm was able to find the best sensing ranges that maximize the field coverage. The conducted experiments point out the effect of expansion ratio, iterations between expansions, number of collisions, and mobility, on the overall coverage. At the same time, Billiards algorithm shows significant improvement in the coverage performance from the initial field’s coverage.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية

المؤتمر العلمي الدولي السابع لمنظمات الأعمال ،  "تقنية البلوكشين وثورة الابتكارات في منظمات الأعمال " للفترة من ( 20 – 21 /03 /2019)  : مشارك 
- المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثامن - تمكين : الامن السيبراني و إدارة مخاطره في مجال الاعمال ٬ ٢٣ / ١٠ / ٢٠١٩ ٬ فندق الكمبنسكي ٬ عمان - الأردن  : مشارك 

-  "حدوث الإطفاء الشامل في الأنظمة الكهربائية: الأسباب و التدابير الوقائية" ٫ جامعة مؤتة  ١١\٧\٢٠٢١   ، محاضرا
-  حماية الاطفال من الجرائم الالكترونية  - الجزائر ٢٠١٩ : المنظمة الدولية للإصلاح الجنائي  ، محاضرا
- الامن السيبراني و الجرائم الالكترونية   - الجزائر ٢٠١٨ : المنظمة الدولية للإصلاح الجنائي ، محاضرا
- ندوة أكاديمية ( الامن و الخصوصية ) - جامعة الحسين بن طلال ، كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات ٢٠١٨ ، محاضرا

الدورات الاكاديمية و التقنية : 
البرمجة لطلبة تكنولوجيا المعلومات - جامعة الحسين بن طلال 
التفكير و التخطيط الاستراتيجي - جامعة الحسين بن طلال 

,intrusion detection in fog computing:  cloud security - 

 Best research award at Southern Methodist University – Engineering in the years 2014 and 2015 consecutively.
Full Scholarship for PhD studies in computer science and security (AHU) 2007
 Full Scholarship for Masters studies in computer Science, (AHU) 2005
 Full Scholarship for Bachelor Degree in computer science, (JAF) 1995

- أستاذ مساعد ، كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات ، جامعة الحسين بن طلال ٢٠١٥ - الان 
- مساعد بحث و تدريس - Southern Methodist University , Dallas - TX USA  ٢٠٠٩-٢٠١٥
- مشرف مختبر حاسوب - جامعة مؤته  ٢٠٠٠ -٢٠٠١

Department Chair of Computer Science in act
 Department of Computer Information Systems chair

Computer Security 
Advanced OS / OS
Compiler Design 
Theory of Computation 

Data structure
Computer Security 
Advanced OS / OS
Compiler Design 
Theory of Computation 

المؤهلات العلمية و الشهادات

 PhD. in computer science and Engineering
Masters in computer science and Engineering

الساعات المكتبية

Posted at office door , or you can email me any time to arrange a meeting