كلية العلوم / قسم الفيــزيـــاء

د. احمد علي حسين قواسمة

أستاذ مساعد
د. احمد علي حسين قواسمة

  • السيرة الذاتية
  • التخصص: فيزياء إشعاعية
  • الكلية: كلية العلوم
  • القسم : قسم الفيــزيـــاء
  • البريد الالكتروني: qwasmeh@ahu.edu.jo
  • رقم الهاتف: 0096232179000 - Ext. 6305

Radiation Physics, environmental  physics

Spanning Trees on Decorated Centered Cubic Lattices , MQ Owaidat, AA Qwasmeh, A Al e'damat , Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 (25), 1235-1244.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Origin and Migration of 137Cs in Jordanian Soils, IRPA 2nd European Conference, Paris, May 2006.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Chernobyl Impact on the Middle East, Spring-Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Heidelberg, March 2006.
Two-point resistance on hypercubic lattices with second nearest neighbor resistors, M. Q. Owaidat, Monther Alsboul, Ahmed. A. Qwasmeh, Almaasfeh Sultan Abdelmajid, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, ISSN 2224-719X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0638 (Online), Vol.74, 2018.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Analysis of the vertical migration of 137Cs in Jordanian soils using the Diffusion Convection Model, IAEA International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity, Vienna, April 2007.
Ajayi I.R., Fischer H.W., Burak A., Qwasmeh A., Tabot B., Concentration and vertical Distribution of 137Cs in the Undisturbed Soil of Southwestern Nigeria, Health Physics 92, 73-77, 2007.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., 137Cs and 90Sr Concentrations in Jordanian Soils and Plants, Pre-Conference Workshop: Advanced Techniques and Radionuclide Speciation within Radioecology, Monaco (France), 30.09.2005 – 01.10.2005.
Spanning Trees on Decorated Centered Cubic Lattices , MQ Owaidat, AA Qwasmeh, A Al e'damat , Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 (25), 1235-1244.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Origin and Migration of 137Cs in Jordanian Soils, IRPA 2nd European Conference, Paris, May 2006.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Chernobyl Impact on the Middle East, Spring-Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Heidelberg, March 2006.
Two-point resistance on hypercubic lattices with second nearest neighbor resistors, M. Q. Owaidat, Monther Alsboul, Ahmed. A. Qwasmeh, Almaasfeh Sultan Abdelmajid, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, ISSN 2224-719X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0638 (Online), Vol.74, 2018.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., Analysis of the vertical migration of 137Cs in Jordanian soils using the Diffusion Convection Model, IAEA International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity, Vienna, April 2007.
Ajayi I.R., Fischer H.W., Burak A., Qwasmeh A., Tabot B., Concentration and vertical Distribution of 137Cs in the Undisturbed Soil of Southwestern Nigeria, Health Physics 92, 73-77, 2007.
Qwasmeh A., Fischer H.W., 137Cs and 90Sr Concentrations in Jordanian Soils and Plants, Pre-Conference Workshop: Advanced Techniques and Radionuclide Speciation within Radioecology, Monaco (France), 30.09.2005 – 01.10.2005.

Conference: “Second European IRPA Congress on Radiation Protection”, Paris-France, 15-19.05.2006.

- Conference: “Spring-Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG)”, Heidelberg-Germany, 13-

- Conference: “Second International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment”, Nice-France, 02-

Workshop on nuclear security, Vienna, Austeria, 2014

Workshop on nuclear security, Vienna, Austeria, 2018

- Workshop of “Advanced techniques and radionuclide speciation within radioecology”, Monaco-France,

Project for the department of Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, Freie Universitaet Berlin-Germany; “A method of sediment chronology with nuclear spectroscopy of Pb-210, my duty was to measure and analyze six cores (120 samples), 2006.

- Project for Geosciences department of in Bremen University-Germany; “A method of sediment
 chronology with nuclear spectroscopy of Pb-210”, my duty was to measure and analyze two cores (48 samples), 2005.

- Workshop for radiation protection “Arbeitskreis Strahlenschutz (K4) der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP)”, 8th meeting, Bremen-Germany, 21.04.2006.

- Workshop for radiation protection “Arbeitskreis Strahlenschutz (K4) der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP)”, 5th meeting, Bremen-Germany, 22.04.2005.

- Workshop “Regionales treffen der Medizinphysiker”, “in English: Regional meeting of the medical physicists”, Oldenburg University, 04.02.2005.

- Workshop for radiation protection “Arbeitskreis Strahlenschutz (K4) der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP)”, 4th meeting, Bremen-Germany, 19.11.2004.

- Workshop in “Akademie Rot an der Rot’’, with a work-paper “Biological Effects of Radiation”, 08-21.08.2004.

Assistant Professor, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

Postdoc., Institute of Environmental Physics, Bremen University

Laboratory Tutor, Practical Environmental

Measurement Techniques, Institute of Environmental Physics- Bremen University-Germany

Teacher – Physics, Science and Mathematics, Al Hekma International School, Bahrain.

Teacher: Physics, Science and Mathematics, Irbid- Jordan

Teacher – Physics and Mathematics, Omar bin Alkhatab Cultural Center, Irbid, Jordan.

Laboratory Tutor – Mechanics lab and

Electricity and Magnetism lab, Yarmouk

University, Irbid–Jordan

Head of Physics department, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 2014- 2016

ممثل قسم الفيزياء في كلية العلوم 2016/2017

فيزياء عامه 1 (ميكانيكا)، فيزياء عامه 2 (كهرومغناطيسيه)، فيزياء الإشعاع، ميكانيكا الكم 1& 2, النظريه الكهرمغناطيسيه 1 &2 ، الفيزياء الحديثه، الفيزياء النوويه، مختبر ميكانيكا، مختبر كهرومغناطيسيه، مختبر متوسطة، مختبر متقدمه  

المؤهلات العلمية و الشهادات

   Ph.D. in Environmental Physics/Radiation

(M.Sc. in Physics – Average 90.6% (excellent

(B.Sc. in Physics – Average 80.8% (very good)

General Secondary Education-Scientific Stream –  89.2%

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