Reham Al-Mohtadi, Intisar Al-daraba’h.(2015). School Bullying And Its Effect On The Psychology Of The Kindergarten’s Child From The point Of View Of The Female Teachers. International Journal of Education Research & Technology , India ,Vol. 6, No. 1; p 32-39.
- ملخص البحث
This current study aimed at revealing the effect of school bullying on the psychology of the kindergarten child from the
point of view of the female teachers. The sample included (17) female teachers of the kindergarten teachers pertain to
the education directorate in Ma’an region. A questionnaire has been prepared by the researchers and used for data
collection. It consisted of (20) clauses distributed to three axes. The results indicated that a high percentage of the female
teachers who answered the questionnaire strongly agreed on the presence of negative effects that touch the child being
the victim of bullying, also they agreed that there are accompanying behaviors to bullying that the bullying child
practices. In addition, the majority of the female teachers who answered the questionnaire disagree that the school’s
climate alone leads to the creation of the bullying phenomenon or limits it. Also, the results indicated to the absence of
consistency in the teachers responses regarding the study axis since the first axis came with great significance, while the
third axis tended to disagreement with statistically significance (0.05).
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Bullying, Kindergarten child
Intisar ALdarabah, Reham Al-Mouhtadi.(2015). Investigate the Child’s Scientific Activities on Practical Child’s Activity Books for the Kindergarten’s Children. International Education Studies; Canada, Vol. 8, No. 4; p 68-79.
- ملخص البحث
This research aimed to investigate the extent to which the interactive international curriculum is included in the
“Child’s Scientific Activities” issued by the Ministry of Education in Jordan, for the kindergarten stage
according to the global criterion (NRC). In order to answer the study questions, an instrument was developed to
measure the extent of including the interactive international curriculum “The Child’s Scientific Activities” for
the Kindergartens’ stage in the scientific concepts. The instrument consisted of scientific concepts that involved
three basic aspects, the physics sciences aspects, Biological Sciences aspects and Earth and space aspects. The
number of concepts was (20) scientific concepts. The instrument’s validity was tested through introducing it to
specialists’ reviewers. Also the stability analysis was tested by re-analysis; the stage time span between the
analyses was one month. The statistic data and frequencies were used to investigate the availability of the
scientific concepts in the interactive international curriculum for the kindergarten stage, depending on the study
instrument which was built for the study’s purposes, and to investigate the suggested scientific concepts to be
included in the curriculum. The study results showed a list of suggested scientific concepts to be included in the
curriculum. Also, the results exhibited the availability of the scientific concepts in the curriculum (16) scientific
concepts from (20) concepts, by (80%) According to the results, the study recommended the kindergarten
curriculum designers to include the suggested scientific concepts, and to be presented in a structural balance, and
in depth to be appropriate to the developmental characteristics at the kindergarten stage.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
scientific concepts, global standards (NRC), kindergarten stage
Intisar Turki ALdarabah, Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Raed Omar Salah.(2015). Evaluating the Moral Intelligence of the Late Childhood (9-12) Years in Jordan: Al-Karak Governorate Case. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Canada, Vol. 5, No. 1; p 108-118
- ملخص البحث
This research aims to revealing the moral intelligence level of the late childhood stage’s children (9-12) years old
in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan. In addition, revealing the differences according the variables (gender, family
age, parent educational level, family size) on the level of the moral intelligence of the late childhood children’s
stage (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan. Research population consists of the children whose
ages range from (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan, they are the children that pertain to the late
childhood stage, which means the children who study in the third, fourth , fifth and sixth grades. After treating
the data with the relevant statistical methods, the results showed that the level of moral intelligence was at a
medium level of the late childhood children’s stage (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan.
Moreover, the results indicated that there were no significant differences between the moral intelligence of the
children according to (gender, family size, parent’s educational level). On the other hand, the study showed there
was a significant difference between the moral intelligence on the late childhood children’s stage (9-12) years
old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan on the variable of parent’s age.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
moral intelligence, late childhood, Al-Karak governorate
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Intisar AL- daraba'h, Al-Mothana Gasaymeh. (2015). Effectiveness of Training sessions on a Measure of Optimism and Pessimism Concepts among the Kindergarten Children in the District of Al-Shobak in Jordan. World Journal of Education ,Canada, Vol. 5, No. 4; p 81-86
- ملخص البحث
The current study aimed to examine the effects of training sessions on children’s levels of optimism versus
pessimism. among the kindergarten children in the district of Shobak in Jordan. The sample of the study consisted 21
children whom their ages were between 5 to 6 years old. A training program was applied. The level of optimism and
pessimism among the kindergarten children were measured through the use of notes cards consisted from 12 items.
The results of the study showed that there were significant differences in the level of optimism versus pessimism
based among participants’ before and after applying the program in favor of the post- measure.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Optimism, Pessimism, Kindergarten Children
Intisar ALdarab'h, Reham Mohammad Al-Mohtadi, Mohammad Abo Alrub.(2015). Discover your Child: Is He/ She Abused by You Inside the House? Journal of Studies in Education, USA, Vol. 5, No. 3; P 259-272.
- ملخص البحث
This research seeks to reveal to the parents if they are abusing their children without
knowledge inside the house. In order to answer the study questions, an instrument was
developed to measure the abused behavior extent of including the items of abused. The
instrument consisted of 50 items that involved five subscales. The instrument’s validity was
tested through introducing it to specialists’ reviewers. Also the stability analysis was tested
by re-analysis. The statistic data and frequencies were used to investigate the availability of
the abused behavior. The study results showed that the mothers do not have the sufficient
knowledge about the concept children abuse, inside the house, since the responses to all of
the dimensions were below the medium, and some of the fathers and mothers abuse their
children thinking that this is one of disciplines to make them acquire the desired behavior,
and preventing them from the abnormal behavior
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Abused, Mothers, Abused behavior, Inside home
Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Intisar ALdaraba'h. (2015). Evaluation of Pictures and Graphics Semiotics in National kindergarten Interactive Curriculum in Jordan. Journal of Studies in Education, USA, Vol. 5, No. 3, P 273-285.
- ملخص البحث
This research aimed at evaluation of pictures and graphics semiotics in national kindergarten interactive curriculum in Jordan. Frequencies of items reflecting semiotics were used to evaluation pictures and graphics included in the Jordanian National Kindergarten Interactive Curriculum (JNKIC), depending on the study instrument which was built for the study's purposes. The study results showed that a rich curriculum in graphics and pictures in addition to that it's high quality content, in addition, the literacy level in the pictures and graphics high quality. On the other hand, there is a clear lack of observance pictures and graphics that care with special needs. The researchers recommended giving more attention in the curriculum included pictures and graphics take into account the special needs, in addition, conducting further studies on the evaluation of interactive curriculum from the teachers view point and its relationship between their experience and qualification.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Semiotic, Pictures and Graphics, kindergarten
رهام المهتدي (2015). فاعلية برنامج تعليمي قائم على اللعب في تحصيل أطفال الروضة للمفاهيم البيئية وتنمية اتجاهاتهم نحو البيئة. مجلة الجنان العلمية، لبنان، العدد السابع ، 216- 248.
- ملخص البحث
هدَفَ تْ ه ذه الدرا سة إ�لى ا ستق ص اءِ فاعليةِ برنام جٍ تعليميٍّ قائمٍ عل ى اللعب في تح صيل
�أطفال الرو ضة للمفاهيم البيئيَّةِ وتنمية اتجاهاتهم نحو البيئة، وقد تم اختيار أ�فراد عيِّنَةِ الدرا سة
والبال غِ عدَدُهم ) 168 ( طفلاً من رو ضتي القَبَ س الحديثة، والنه ض ة الخيْرِيَّة التابعتين لمديرية
التربية والتعليم لقَ َصبةِ مَعَان ق صدياً ، وتم توزيعُهم ع شوائياً على مجموعتي الدرا سة ) 85 ( طفلاً
ف ي المجموع ة التجريبية و) 83 ( طفلاً في المجموعة ال ضابط ة. �أ شارتْ النتائ جُ �إلى وجودِ �أثر
للبرنام ج التعليمي ول صال ح المجموعة التجريبيَّةِ ف ي تح صيل ا أ لطفال المفاهي م البيئة وتنمية
اتجاهاته م نحو البيئة ، في حين لم يظهَرْ أ�ثرٌ للبرنامج ح سب متغيِّرِ الجن س في تح صيل الأطفال
للمفاهي م البيئيَّ ةِ، ولكن ظهر ف ي تنمية الاتجاهات نح و البيئة ول صالح الإن اث. وفي ضوء هذه
النتائ ج ت م التوَ ُّصل �إلى تو صياتٍ م ن �أهمها : بناءُ المزي دِ من البرامج التي تَقِي ُس العلاقة بين
التح ِصي لِ والاتجاهاتِ نحو البيئة، و �إجراء درا سات حول ا ستخ دام الألعاب التعليمِيَّةِ في تدري س
مفاهيمَ جديدةٍ لأطفال الرو ضة.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
اللعب، المفاهيم البيئية، أطفال الروضة
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Eid El- Subhieen, Ahmad Al-khattab. (2016). Moral and Social Values embodied in the national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan. “An Analytical Study”. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Canada, Vol. 6, No. 2; p 216-223.
- ملخص البحث
The study aimed to discuss the moral and social values embodied in the books contents of national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan; through analyzing such books’ contents. For the purposes of this study, a list of proposed moral and social values was prepared, including twenty eight values. Word, phrase and image are considered herein as analysis tools. The Generated outputs referred to 360 values which are contained in the books of national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan. The National Social values field occupied the first rank of 256 repetitions, at 71.11%. On the other hand, family personal values field occupied the 2nd. rank; 104 repetitions at 28.89%. The outputs also displayed the availability of many suitable moral and social values stipulated for in the study tool. In turn, it was noticed the unavailability of many suitable moral and social values.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
moral values, social values, national interactive curriculum for kindergartens
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Habis Al- Zboon.(2017). Training Program Efficacy in Developing Health Life Skills among sample selected from Kindergarten Children. Journal of Education and Learning, Canada, Vol.6, No.2; p 212-219.
- ملخص البحث
This study drove at identifying the training program efficacy in developing the health life skills among sample
selected from Kindergarten children. Study sample consisted of 60 children of both genders, ages of which are
ranged from 5-6 years old. We have applied herein the pre and post dimension of health life skills scale;
consisting of 28 Paragraphs among the study sample. The training program, which was prepared to measure the
health life skills, has been applied to training group individuals. The collected outcomes referred to statistical
significance differences in the study individuals’ performance, on health life skills scale, which are attributed to
group, in the favor of experimental group. Moreover, the outcomes referred to differences of statistical
significance attributed to gender in the favor of females. The collected outcomes have been discussed and further
the study concluded some recommendations
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
training program, health life skills and children of Kindergartens
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Moonerh Al-Musbheen.(2017).The Influence of Religious Awareness Program in Scaling down Death Anxiety among Children Sample in Late Childhood Stage; 9-12 years old in Al Shobak Province. Journal of Education and Practice ,USA, Vol.8, No.5; p 42-49.
- ملخص البحث
This study drives at identifying the influence of religious awareness program in scaling down the death anxiety
among sample consisted of (50) students; (30) males and ( 20) females, at the late childhood stage. The sample
distributed randomly into (25) students representing main group and (25) students as experimental group.
Religious Awareness Program applied to reduce death anxiety scale. Also, the religious awareness program has
been applied as well which was prepared to scale down the death anxiety on the experimental group.The results
show there is significant differences of the sample performance on death anxiety scale which are attributed to the
group, in the favor of experimental group. On other hand. no statistical significant differences were showed that
are attributed to gender or interaction between group and gender. Such results were discussed thoroughly and the
study was concluded by some recommendations
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Religious Awareness Program, Death Anxiety & Kindergarten Children
الصبحيين، عيد والمهتدي، رهام والهبيـري ، أحمد (2017). تقييم كتب الدراسات الاجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس الأساسية في الأردن في ضوء المهارات الحياتية الاجتماعية والبيئية. مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانية)، فلسطين، المجلد (31)، العدد (4)، الصفحات (619- 640).
- ملخص البحث
ھدفت َ الدراسة إلى إعداد قائمة بالمھارات الحياتية االجتماعية والبيئية الالزم توافرھا في
محتوى كتب الدراسات االجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس األساسية في األردن،
ّ ّ حليلي)
ومن ثم الكشف عن درجة تضمينھا في محتوى ھذه الكتب، وقد اتبع المنھج ( ّ الوصفي الت
المناسب لتحقيق أھداف ّ الدراسة، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى قائمة بالمھارات االجتماعية والبيئية
الالزمة لمحتوى كتب الدراسات االجتماعية لھذه المرحلة الدراسية، إذ اعتبرت ھذه القائمة أداة
لتحليل محتوى ھذه الكتب، ّ وتكونت أداة ّ الدراسة في صورتھا النھائية من مجالين و(27 (فقرة،
وعلى النحو اآلتي: مجال المھارات االجتماعية (15 (فقرة، ومجال المھارات البيئية (12 (فقرة.
وتشير النتائج إلى أن ھناك تفاوت في درجة توافر فقرات األداة ما بين المناسب والمتدني، كما
أشارت النتائج إلى أن أغلب فقرات مجال المھارات البيئية جاءت بدرجة متدنية في محتوى كتب
الدراسات االجتماعية لھذه المرحلة، وأوصت الدراسة بعدة توصيات ابرزھا االستفادة من
الفقرات الواردة في أداة الدراسة، واالھتمام بالمجال البيئي في محتوى كتب الدراسات
االجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس األساسية في األردن.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
الدراسات االجتماعية، المھارات الحياتية، المھارات الحياتية
االجتماعية، المھارات الحياتية البيئية.
المهتدي، رهام وأبو عمر، ريما والحسنات، حسن (2017). مدى امتلاك طلبة الصف الثاني الأساسي لبعض مهارات التحدث في ضوء المحتوى التعليمي. مجلة جامعة الحسين بن طلال للبحوث، الأردن، المجلد ( 3 )، العدد ( 1 )، الصفحات ( 97 - 108 ).
- ملخص البحث
هدفت الدراسة الحالية الكشف عن درجة امتالك طلبة الصف الثاني األساسي لبعض مهارات التحدث في ضوء المحتوى التعليمي،
وتكونت عينة الدراسة من )12 )طالبا وطالبة ممن هم في الصف الثاني األساسي من مدرستي خديجة بنت خويلد األساسية المختلطة ومعان
األساسية المختلطة في مديرية التربية والتعليم لقصبة معان. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق بطاقة مالحظة مكونة من ثمانية عشر فقرة
على أفراد عينة الدراسة. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن درجة امتالك تالميذ الصف الثاني األساسي لمهارات التحدث كانت متوسطة، كما
وجدت فروق ذات داللة إحصائية عند مستوى الداللة (α ≥ 05.0 ) لصالح اإلناث في مهارة التحدث.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
مهارة التحدث، طلبة الصف الثاني األساسي، المحتوى التعليمي
Intisar AL darabah, Reham Al mohtadi, Khaled Mohamed Hamaden. (2014). Islamic Spirituality Practices (ISP) of Preschools Teachers and its Influence on teachers’Organizational commitment (TOC) in Work Place. International Journal of Education Research & Technology , India , Vol. 5, No. 4; p 68-75.
- ملخص البحث
This study investigated the influence of perceived spirituality as practiced by preschool teachers. The sample consisted of
270 Jordanian preschool teachers from Al Karak province. These teachers were involved in the main quantitative survey.
Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha indicated that all the measures were reliable. Multiple and hierarchical regression
method was used to test the research hypotheses. The findings of this study were obtained from several hypothetical
influences and significance of perceived spirituality practices on commitment in Jordanian preschools teachers. Several
implications were found as the outcome of this research. Perceived Spirituality practices by preschool teachers lead to
the attainment of high ethical and moral values of the teachers that might control many kinds of undesirable behaviours.
This study recommends further research to develop understandings levels of Spirituality, in different contexts in Muslim
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
- Mustafa Jwaifell, Reham Al-Mouhtadi, Intisar Aldarabah. (2015). Effectiveness of Web Quest in Enhancing 4th Grade Students' Spiritual Intelligence .World Journal of Education ,Canada, Vol. 5, No. 2; p 10-18.
- ملخص البحث
Spiritual intelligence has gained great interest from a good number of the researchers and scholars, while there is a
lack of using new technologies such as WebQuest as an instructional tool; which is one of the e-learning applications
in education in enhancing spiritual intelligence of 4th graders in Jordanian schools. This study aimed at examining
the effectiveness of using WebQuest on enhancing spiritual intelligence among 4th graders students. The study
sample consisted of (134) male and female 4th graders students, distributed into 6 groups. ANCOVA used to analyze
data, which revealed the effectiveness of WebQuest in enhancing students' spiritual intelligence for the benefit of
experimental groups. Recommendations relied upon those results.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
e-learning; WebQuest; spiritual intelligence; 4th grade students
Intisar ALdarab'h, Mohammad Abo Alrub, Reham Mohammad Al-Mohtadi.(2015). What is the Reality of Preschool in Jordan? Journal of Education and Practice ,USA, Vol.6, No.10; p 180-187.
- ملخص البحث
The present study evaluated the reality ofthe preschools in Jordan. A random sample of 500 preschool teachers
participated in this study. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Preschools’ learning environment
quality was assessed using the revised version of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (Harms,
Clifford, & Cryer, 1998). Multi-level statistical analyses revealed that quality of government preschools as
measured by the ECERS-R was evident in two of the seven subscales as high quality. These were for interaction
and program structural subscales, while the remaining dimensions of space and furnishing, personal care routine,
language reasoning, activities, and parents and staff are of good quality. This study demonstrated the importance
of continuing to provide high quality learning environment in Jordanian preschools and of incorporating
evaluation of the same into education reform
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Quality - Learning Environment – Government Preschool
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Intisar Al-daraba’h.(2015). School Bullying And Its Effect On The Psychology Of The Kindergarten’s Child From The point Of View Of The Female Teachers. International Journal of Education Research & Technology , India ,Vol. 6, No. 1; p 32-39.
- ملخص البحث
This current study aimed at revealing the effect of school bullying on the psychology of the kindergarten child from the
point of view of the female teachers. The sample included (17) female teachers of the kindergarten teachers pertain to
the education directorate in Ma’an region. A questionnaire has been prepared by the researchers and used for data
collection. It consisted of (20) clauses distributed to three axes. The results indicated that a high percentage of the female
teachers who answered the questionnaire strongly agreed on the presence of negative effects that touch the child being
the victim of bullying, also they agreed that there are accompanying behaviors to bullying that the bullying child
practices. In addition, the majority of the female teachers who answered the questionnaire disagree that the school’s
climate alone leads to the creation of the bullying phenomenon or limits it. Also, the results indicated to the absence of
consistency in the teachers responses regarding the study axis since the first axis came with great significance, while the
third axis tended to disagreement with statistically significance (0.05).
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Bullying, Kindergarten child
Intisar ALdarabah, Reham Al-Mouhtadi.(2015). Investigate the Child’s Scientific Activities on Practical Child’s Activity Books for the Kindergarten’s Children. International Education Studies; Canada, Vol. 8, No. 4; p 68-79.
- ملخص البحث
This research aimed to investigate the extent to which the interactive international curriculum is included in the
“Child’s Scientific Activities” issued by the Ministry of Education in Jordan, for the kindergarten stage
according to the global criterion (NRC). In order to answer the study questions, an instrument was developed to
measure the extent of including the interactive international curriculum “The Child’s Scientific Activities” for
the Kindergartens’ stage in the scientific concepts. The instrument consisted of scientific concepts that involved
three basic aspects, the physics sciences aspects, Biological Sciences aspects and Earth and space aspects. The
number of concepts was (20) scientific concepts. The instrument’s validity was tested through introducing it to
specialists’ reviewers. Also the stability analysis was tested by re-analysis; the stage time span between the
analyses was one month. The statistic data and frequencies were used to investigate the availability of the
scientific concepts in the interactive international curriculum for the kindergarten stage, depending on the study
instrument which was built for the study’s purposes, and to investigate the suggested scientific concepts to be
included in the curriculum. The study results showed a list of suggested scientific concepts to be included in the
curriculum. Also, the results exhibited the availability of the scientific concepts in the curriculum (16) scientific
concepts from (20) concepts, by (80%) According to the results, the study recommended the kindergarten
curriculum designers to include the suggested scientific concepts, and to be presented in a structural balance, and
in depth to be appropriate to the developmental characteristics at the kindergarten stage.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
scientific concepts, global standards (NRC), kindergarten stage
Intisar Turki ALdarabah, Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Raed Omar Salah.(2015). Evaluating the Moral Intelligence of the Late Childhood (9-12) Years in Jordan: Al-Karak Governorate Case. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Canada, Vol. 5, No. 1; p 108-118
- ملخص البحث
This research aims to revealing the moral intelligence level of the late childhood stage’s children (9-12) years old
in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan. In addition, revealing the differences according the variables (gender, family
age, parent educational level, family size) on the level of the moral intelligence of the late childhood children’s
stage (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan. Research population consists of the children whose
ages range from (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan, they are the children that pertain to the late
childhood stage, which means the children who study in the third, fourth , fifth and sixth grades. After treating
the data with the relevant statistical methods, the results showed that the level of moral intelligence was at a
medium level of the late childhood children’s stage (9-12) years old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan.
Moreover, the results indicated that there were no significant differences between the moral intelligence of the
children according to (gender, family size, parent’s educational level). On the other hand, the study showed there
was a significant difference between the moral intelligence on the late childhood children’s stage (9-12) years
old in Al-Karak governorate in Jordan on the variable of parent’s age.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
moral intelligence, late childhood, Al-Karak governorate
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Intisar AL- daraba'h, Al-Mothana Gasaymeh. (2015). Effectiveness of Training sessions on a Measure of Optimism and Pessimism Concepts among the Kindergarten Children in the District of Al-Shobak in Jordan. World Journal of Education ,Canada, Vol. 5, No. 4; p 81-86
- ملخص البحث
The current study aimed to examine the effects of training sessions on children’s levels of optimism versus
pessimism. among the kindergarten children in the district of Shobak in Jordan. The sample of the study consisted 21
children whom their ages were between 5 to 6 years old. A training program was applied. The level of optimism and
pessimism among the kindergarten children were measured through the use of notes cards consisted from 12 items.
The results of the study showed that there were significant differences in the level of optimism versus pessimism
based among participants’ before and after applying the program in favor of the post- measure.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Optimism, Pessimism, Kindergarten Children
Intisar ALdarab'h, Reham Mohammad Al-Mohtadi, Mohammad Abo Alrub.(2015). Discover your Child: Is He/ She Abused by You Inside the House? Journal of Studies in Education, USA, Vol. 5, No. 3; P 259-272.
- ملخص البحث
This research seeks to reveal to the parents if they are abusing their children without
knowledge inside the house. In order to answer the study questions, an instrument was
developed to measure the abused behavior extent of including the items of abused. The
instrument consisted of 50 items that involved five subscales. The instrument’s validity was
tested through introducing it to specialists’ reviewers. Also the stability analysis was tested
by re-analysis. The statistic data and frequencies were used to investigate the availability of
the abused behavior. The study results showed that the mothers do not have the sufficient
knowledge about the concept children abuse, inside the house, since the responses to all of
the dimensions were below the medium, and some of the fathers and mothers abuse their
children thinking that this is one of disciplines to make them acquire the desired behavior,
and preventing them from the abnormal behavior
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Abused, Mothers, Abused behavior, Inside home
Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Intisar ALdaraba'h. (2015). Evaluation of Pictures and Graphics Semiotics in National kindergarten Interactive Curriculum in Jordan. Journal of Studies in Education, USA, Vol. 5, No. 3, P 273-285.
- ملخص البحث
This research aimed at evaluation of pictures and graphics semiotics in national kindergarten interactive curriculum in Jordan. Frequencies of items reflecting semiotics were used to evaluation pictures and graphics included in the Jordanian National Kindergarten Interactive Curriculum (JNKIC), depending on the study instrument which was built for the study's purposes. The study results showed that a rich curriculum in graphics and pictures in addition to that it's high quality content, in addition, the literacy level in the pictures and graphics high quality. On the other hand, there is a clear lack of observance pictures and graphics that care with special needs. The researchers recommended giving more attention in the curriculum included pictures and graphics take into account the special needs, in addition, conducting further studies on the evaluation of interactive curriculum from the teachers view point and its relationship between their experience and qualification.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Semiotic, Pictures and Graphics, kindergarten
رهام المهتدي (2015). فاعلية برنامج تعليمي قائم على اللعب في تحصيل أطفال الروضة للمفاهيم البيئية وتنمية اتجاهاتهم نحو البيئة. مجلة الجنان العلمية، لبنان، العدد السابع ، 216- 248.
- ملخص البحث
هدَفَ تْ ه ذه الدرا سة إ�لى ا ستق ص اءِ فاعليةِ برنام جٍ تعليميٍّ قائمٍ عل ى اللعب في تح صيل
�أطفال الرو ضة للمفاهيم البيئيَّةِ وتنمية اتجاهاتهم نحو البيئة، وقد تم اختيار أ�فراد عيِّنَةِ الدرا سة
والبال غِ عدَدُهم ) 168 ( طفلاً من رو ضتي القَبَ س الحديثة، والنه ض ة الخيْرِيَّة التابعتين لمديرية
التربية والتعليم لقَ َصبةِ مَعَان ق صدياً ، وتم توزيعُهم ع شوائياً على مجموعتي الدرا سة ) 85 ( طفلاً
ف ي المجموع ة التجريبية و) 83 ( طفلاً في المجموعة ال ضابط ة. �أ شارتْ النتائ جُ �إلى وجودِ �أثر
للبرنام ج التعليمي ول صال ح المجموعة التجريبيَّةِ ف ي تح صيل ا أ لطفال المفاهي م البيئة وتنمية
اتجاهاته م نحو البيئة ، في حين لم يظهَرْ أ�ثرٌ للبرنامج ح سب متغيِّرِ الجن س في تح صيل الأطفال
للمفاهي م البيئيَّ ةِ، ولكن ظهر ف ي تنمية الاتجاهات نح و البيئة ول صالح الإن اث. وفي ضوء هذه
النتائ ج ت م التوَ ُّصل �إلى تو صياتٍ م ن �أهمها : بناءُ المزي دِ من البرامج التي تَقِي ُس العلاقة بين
التح ِصي لِ والاتجاهاتِ نحو البيئة، و �إجراء درا سات حول ا ستخ دام الألعاب التعليمِيَّةِ في تدري س
مفاهيمَ جديدةٍ لأطفال الرو ضة.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
اللعب، المفاهيم البيئية، أطفال الروضة
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Eid El- Subhieen, Ahmad Al-khattab. (2016). Moral and Social Values embodied in the national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan. “An Analytical Study”. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Canada, Vol. 6, No. 2; p 216-223.
- ملخص البحث
The study aimed to discuss the moral and social values embodied in the books contents of national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan; through analyzing such books’ contents. For the purposes of this study, a list of proposed moral and social values was prepared, including twenty eight values. Word, phrase and image are considered herein as analysis tools. The Generated outputs referred to 360 values which are contained in the books of national interactive curriculum for kindergartens in Jordan. The National Social values field occupied the first rank of 256 repetitions, at 71.11%. On the other hand, family personal values field occupied the 2nd. rank; 104 repetitions at 28.89%. The outputs also displayed the availability of many suitable moral and social values stipulated for in the study tool. In turn, it was noticed the unavailability of many suitable moral and social values.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
moral values, social values, national interactive curriculum for kindergartens
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Habis Al- Zboon.(2017). Training Program Efficacy in Developing Health Life Skills among sample selected from Kindergarten Children. Journal of Education and Learning, Canada, Vol.6, No.2; p 212-219.
- ملخص البحث
This study drove at identifying the training program efficacy in developing the health life skills among sample
selected from Kindergarten children. Study sample consisted of 60 children of both genders, ages of which are
ranged from 5-6 years old. We have applied herein the pre and post dimension of health life skills scale;
consisting of 28 Paragraphs among the study sample. The training program, which was prepared to measure the
health life skills, has been applied to training group individuals. The collected outcomes referred to statistical
significance differences in the study individuals’ performance, on health life skills scale, which are attributed to
group, in the favor of experimental group. Moreover, the outcomes referred to differences of statistical
significance attributed to gender in the favor of females. The collected outcomes have been discussed and further
the study concluded some recommendations
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
training program, health life skills and children of Kindergartens
Reham Al-Mohtadi, Moonerh Al-Musbheen.(2017).The Influence of Religious Awareness Program in Scaling down Death Anxiety among Children Sample in Late Childhood Stage; 9-12 years old in Al Shobak Province. Journal of Education and Practice ,USA, Vol.8, No.5; p 42-49.
- ملخص البحث
This study drives at identifying the influence of religious awareness program in scaling down the death anxiety
among sample consisted of (50) students; (30) males and ( 20) females, at the late childhood stage. The sample
distributed randomly into (25) students representing main group and (25) students as experimental group.
Religious Awareness Program applied to reduce death anxiety scale. Also, the religious awareness program has
been applied as well which was prepared to scale down the death anxiety on the experimental group.The results
show there is significant differences of the sample performance on death anxiety scale which are attributed to the
group, in the favor of experimental group. On other hand. no statistical significant differences were showed that
are attributed to gender or interaction between group and gender. Such results were discussed thoroughly and the
study was concluded by some recommendations
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Religious Awareness Program, Death Anxiety & Kindergarten Children
الصبحيين، عيد والمهتدي، رهام والهبيـري ، أحمد (2017). تقييم كتب الدراسات الاجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس الأساسية في الأردن في ضوء المهارات الحياتية الاجتماعية والبيئية. مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانية)، فلسطين، المجلد (31)، العدد (4)، الصفحات (619- 640).
- ملخص البحث
ھدفت َ الدراسة إلى إعداد قائمة بالمھارات الحياتية االجتماعية والبيئية الالزم توافرھا في
محتوى كتب الدراسات االجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس األساسية في األردن،
ّ ّ حليلي)
ومن ثم الكشف عن درجة تضمينھا في محتوى ھذه الكتب، وقد اتبع المنھج ( ّ الوصفي الت
المناسب لتحقيق أھداف ّ الدراسة، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى قائمة بالمھارات االجتماعية والبيئية
الالزمة لمحتوى كتب الدراسات االجتماعية لھذه المرحلة الدراسية، إذ اعتبرت ھذه القائمة أداة
لتحليل محتوى ھذه الكتب، ّ وتكونت أداة ّ الدراسة في صورتھا النھائية من مجالين و(27 (فقرة،
وعلى النحو اآلتي: مجال المھارات االجتماعية (15 (فقرة، ومجال المھارات البيئية (12 (فقرة.
وتشير النتائج إلى أن ھناك تفاوت في درجة توافر فقرات األداة ما بين المناسب والمتدني، كما
أشارت النتائج إلى أن أغلب فقرات مجال المھارات البيئية جاءت بدرجة متدنية في محتوى كتب
الدراسات االجتماعية لھذه المرحلة، وأوصت الدراسة بعدة توصيات ابرزھا االستفادة من
الفقرات الواردة في أداة الدراسة، واالھتمام بالمجال البيئي في محتوى كتب الدراسات
االجتماعية لصفوف الرابع والخامس والسادس األساسية في األردن.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
الدراسات االجتماعية، المھارات الحياتية، المھارات الحياتية
االجتماعية، المھارات الحياتية البيئية.
المهتدي، رهام وأبو عمر، ريما والحسنات، حسن (2017). مدى امتلاك طلبة الصف الثاني الأساسي لبعض مهارات التحدث في ضوء المحتوى التعليمي. مجلة جامعة الحسين بن طلال للبحوث، الأردن، المجلد ( 3 )، العدد ( 1 )، الصفحات ( 97 - 108 ).
- ملخص البحث
هدفت الدراسة الحالية الكشف عن درجة امتالك طلبة الصف الثاني األساسي لبعض مهارات التحدث في ضوء المحتوى التعليمي،
وتكونت عينة الدراسة من )12 )طالبا وطالبة ممن هم في الصف الثاني األساسي من مدرستي خديجة بنت خويلد األساسية المختلطة ومعان
األساسية المختلطة في مديرية التربية والتعليم لقصبة معان. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق بطاقة مالحظة مكونة من ثمانية عشر فقرة
على أفراد عينة الدراسة. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن درجة امتالك تالميذ الصف الثاني األساسي لمهارات التحدث كانت متوسطة، كما
وجدت فروق ذات داللة إحصائية عند مستوى الداللة (α ≥ 05.0 ) لصالح اإلناث في مهارة التحدث.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
مهارة التحدث، طلبة الصف الثاني األساسي، المحتوى التعليمي
Intisar AL darabah, Reham Al mohtadi, Khaled Mohamed Hamaden. (2014). Islamic Spirituality Practices (ISP) of Preschools Teachers and its Influence on teachers’Organizational commitment (TOC) in Work Place. International Journal of Education Research & Technology , India , Vol. 5, No. 4; p 68-75.
- ملخص البحث
This study investigated the influence of perceived spirituality as practiced by preschool teachers. The sample consisted of
270 Jordanian preschool teachers from Al Karak province. These teachers were involved in the main quantitative survey.
Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha indicated that all the measures were reliable. Multiple and hierarchical regression
method was used to test the research hypotheses. The findings of this study were obtained from several hypothetical
influences and significance of perceived spirituality practices on commitment in Jordanian preschools teachers. Several
implications were found as the outcome of this research. Perceived Spirituality practices by preschool teachers lead to
the attainment of high ethical and moral values of the teachers that might control many kinds of undesirable behaviours.
This study recommends further research to develop understandings levels of Spirituality, in different contexts in Muslim
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
- Mustafa Jwaifell, Reham Al-Mouhtadi, Intisar Aldarabah. (2015). Effectiveness of Web Quest in Enhancing 4th Grade Students' Spiritual Intelligence .World Journal of Education ,Canada, Vol. 5, No. 2; p 10-18.
- ملخص البحث
Spiritual intelligence has gained great interest from a good number of the researchers and scholars, while there is a
lack of using new technologies such as WebQuest as an instructional tool; which is one of the e-learning applications
in education in enhancing spiritual intelligence of 4th graders in Jordanian schools. This study aimed at examining
the effectiveness of using WebQuest on enhancing spiritual intelligence among 4th graders students. The study
sample consisted of (134) male and female 4th graders students, distributed into 6 groups. ANCOVA used to analyze
data, which revealed the effectiveness of WebQuest in enhancing students' spiritual intelligence for the benefit of
experimental groups. Recommendations relied upon those results.
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
e-learning; WebQuest; spiritual intelligence; 4th grade students
Intisar ALdarab'h, Mohammad Abo Alrub, Reham Mohammad Al-Mohtadi.(2015). What is the Reality of Preschool in Jordan? Journal of Education and Practice ,USA, Vol.6, No.10; p 180-187.
- ملخص البحث
The present study evaluated the reality ofthe preschools in Jordan. A random sample of 500 preschool teachers
participated in this study. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Preschools’ learning environment
quality was assessed using the revised version of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (Harms,
Clifford, & Cryer, 1998). Multi-level statistical analyses revealed that quality of government preschools as
measured by the ECERS-R was evident in two of the seven subscales as high quality. These were for interaction
and program structural subscales, while the remaining dimensions of space and furnishing, personal care routine,
language reasoning, activities, and parents and staff are of good quality. This study demonstrated the importance
of continuing to provide high quality learning environment in Jordanian preschools and of incorporating
evaluation of the same into education reform
- رابط البحث
- الكلمات المفتاحية
Quality - Learning Environment – Government Preschool
Reham Al mohtadi, Intisar Al darabah, Khaled Hamaden (2019). Which Love Language do You Speak With Your Child? What Are the Effects of your Age, Level of Education, Work Status, and the Number of Children in the Family on the Used Love Languages? International Journal of Learning and Development. Vol 9, No 2, P:187-202.
- ملخص البحث
The purpose of the current study was to identify which languages of love that the mother used with her child. In addition, it examined the?effect?of mother¡¯s age, level of education, work status, and the number of children in the family on the extent of the mother¡¯s use of love languages. The study sample consisted of 729 mothers from the study population. The researchers used a questionnaire instrument that consisted of 105 items that were groups into five dimensions that represent the five love languages proposed by Gary Chapman, (1992). The researchers adopted and adjusted five love languages questionnaire to make it appropriate to be used in the Arab world. The questionnaire instrument was presented to panel of experts to check its validity. Appropriate statistical analysis methods were performed on participants¡¯ responses to the questionnaire.???The findings showed that the most common type of love language that the mothers used to speak with their children was ¡°acts of service¡±, while the least common type of love language that the mothers used to speak with their children was ¡°words of affirmation¡±. In addition, the results showed that there were no significant differences in the extent of the mother¡¯s use of love languages based on mother¡¯s age, level of education, work status, and the number of children in the family. Based on the findings, the study provided some recommendations that were related to the important guidance roles of the institutions, centers and associations that concerned with the childhood sector and the parental relationship. These institutions, centers and associations should conduct training sessions and seminars that aim to discuss the nature of the relationship between mothers and their children. They should publish more training manuals and records that discuss the concept of love between the mother and her child and improve parents understanding of the love relationship between the mother and her child. Another important recommendation was related to the need to conduct more research studies to understand the relationship between the mother and her child.?
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Mustafa Jwaifell, Reham Almohtadi, Intisar Aldarabah, (2019). Effectiveness of Cartoon Drawings in Reducing Selective Silence (Selective Mutism) Severity of a Sample of Kindergarten Children. International Education Studies; Vol. 12, No. 9, P: 34- 41.
- ملخص البحث
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the cartoon drawings strategy in reducing selective silence
severity of kindergarten children in Al-Shobak Province. Study sample consisted of 25 children. They were
selected by the purposeful sample method. The study used the selective silence tool which consisted of 18 items. It
also used pre-experimental methodology using one group with pre/post-test. Results showed the effectiveness of
the cartoon drawings strategy in reducing severity of selective silence. The study recommended the focus on
integrating cartoon drawings in helping kindergarten children to overcome selective silence
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Intisar Aldarabah, Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Fahima Dib (2019) Parental Upbringing Styles and Their Relationship with Social Withdrawal Among A Sample of Kindergarten Children: The Forgotten Victim. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.10, No.18, p: 70-78
- ملخص البحث
This study aimed to find out the paternal treatment styles and their relationship with social withdrawal among children whose ages ranged between (4-6) years old. The study sample consisted of (50) male and female children attending Al-Lo’Lo Al-dori Kindergarten in Ma’an City. The analytical method is used to determine aspects of parents’ behavior and aspects of the social withdrawal behavior that formulate the study instrument. The descriptive correlation method is also used to determine the relationship between variables. Results showed that there are differences with statistical significance between parental treatment styles represented in rejection styles, authorization, and over protection; and the social withdrawal, since over protection has occupied the highest level. Also, there are differences with statistical significance between parental treatment styles and gender. Results showed that the level of social withdrawal is high among kindergarten children; especially among males more than females under the same category of social withdrawal. Direct correlation is also found between parental treatment method and social withdrawal.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Intisar Aldarabah,(2019). Effectiveness of Instructional Electronic Games in Acquisition of Geometry Concepts Among Kindergarten Children. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences; Vol.9, No.12, 2019 P:144-150 .
- ملخص البحث
The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of using instructional electronic games in developing geometry concepts among kindergarten children. To achieve the study objective, the semi-experimental method was used. The study population consisted of all kindergarten students at the Pink Bird Nursery in Petra city. Sixty children were divided into two groups: the experimental group consisted of (30) children who were taught by using an instructional electronic game, and the control group consisted of (30) children who were taught by using the traditional way. Results of the study indicated that there are statistical differences in favor of using instructional electronic games in developing geometry concepts among kindergarten children.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Yahya AlDhaimat, Reham Almohtadi .(2021). Perceived Parental Image in Paintings of Children with Moderate Mental Disability. Multicultural Education. Volume 7, Issue 1, P:35-43.
- ملخص البحث
Children of moderate mental disability form their own images of their
parents. The purpose of this study is to explore parental imagewhich is
perceived in children with moderate mental disability in Shobakregion
through the projection of paintings that they create. The sample of the study
consisted of four children (2 males, 2 females) with moderate mental
disability in the ages between (9-10) years, while their mental age is (5-6)
years. Family painting and children paintings context analysis card were
used as data collection tool. The resultsof the analysis showed that the
relations between all children and their parents and between parents
themselves are deteriorated. This reflects family disintegration,and allthe
images reflected inability to imagine better future in all cases for parents
and children, except for the image of (Mohamed) who aspired to alleviate
his future pressureand to have future better than his past with understanding
of inability to achieve this wish. There appeared to be apparent conflict
between children in the role of father and mother. Some of them believe that
the father is a source of threat and punishment, while the mother is not.
Others believe that mother is a source of threat and punishment, and some
of them believe both parents are so. It was noted that the element of color in
all paintings doesn’t exist. This indicates emotional gap that children suffer,
and sometimes reflects inclination to hate society
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Almohtadi, Reham & Allaymon, Mosab.(2021). Esthetic Sense level among governmental and private kindergarten in Al-Karak Governorate (comparative study) (2021). International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. 13(2):773-780.
- ملخص البحث
This study aims at comparing esthetic sense among governmental kindergartens and private kindergartens in Karak governorate, located in southern areas of Jordan. To achieve study aims, the descriptive analytical approach is used. The sample consists of 200 male and female pupils, divided equally. One hundred children study at governmental kindergartens, and the same number is taken from private kindergartens. Besides, the esthetic sense scale is used as a study tool. The results show that there are not any statistical differences between students in governmental and private kindergartens in terms of house dimension on the aesthetic sense of the photographer scale. In contrast, there are statistically significant differences in kindergarten, external environment dimensions, and the scale as a whole in favour of the private kindergartens. The study recommends that esthetic education should be included in kindergartens'' programs. Sessions and dialogues between lady teachers and students' parents regarding the esthetic sense and its importance to the child are held.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell, Yahya AlDhaimat. Laiali Almazaydeh (2022). The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Simulation in Kindergarten Children’s Acquisition of Physics Concepts. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies . Vol 16 , No 7, P:70-81.
- ملخص البحث
Abstract—The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using interactive
simulation in developing some physics concepts in a sample of kindergarten
children. To achieve the study objective, a semi-experimental method was used.
The study sample consisted of the (45) kindergarten children of ‘The Pink Bird’
Kindergarten in Petra. They were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental
group of (22) children who were taught using interactive simulation,
and a control group of (23) children who were taught by the traditional way.
Contrary to the traditional method of education. An achievement test was used
to measure the Kindergarten Children acquisition of physics, where its validity
and reliability were confirmed. The study results proved the effectiveness of
interactive simulation in the acquisition of physics concepts among kindergarten
children. It was also found that around 61% of the change in the dependent
variable (physical concepts) is due to the use of interactive simulation in teaching.
Eventually, the study included a set of recommendations in the light of its
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Khaled abu tayeh, Reham Almohtadi, Laiali Almazaydeh(2022). The Effectiveness of Darasak Platform as E-Learning Tool to Improve Process during Covid-19. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies . Vol 16, No 7, P: 153-181
- ملخص البحث
he globe is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has
enslaved the economy, including the educational sector. This epidemic has caused
recent changes and disruptions in all aspects of life, also this pandemic has compelled
educational systems all across the world to find alternate methods to keep
the process of education going on. To cope with the current case, the Darsak
platform is authorized by the Jordanian Ministry of Education to be an alternative
choice for proceeding with the educational process. The goal of the current
study is to know the impact of the Darsak platform to be a compensation tool
to perform the educational process during COVID-19. The data were collected
by questionnaires, which distributed by web site, also it was conducted from
(108) parents, (120) students, and (43) teachers’ participation. So, this descriptive
research used a relational survey approach. The responses which obtained from
the participants were analyzed using SPSS tools. The result of the study showed
that the Darsak platform was a new application to students, so it was found that
facilities, flexibility appropriateness, and effectiveness of the Darsak platform
were not up to expectation. Students were dissatisfied with the performance of
the Darsak platform.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Yahya AlDhaimat, Khaled Abu tayeh ,Reham Almohtadi, Mustafa Jwaifell.(2022). The Effectiveness of Using Analogies in The Acquisition of Scientific Concepts Among Students with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.13, No.7, p 10-18.
- ملخص البحث
The study aimed to measure the effectiveness of an Analogies-Based Instructional Program (ABIP) in acquiring scientific concepts among a sample of third-grade students with learning difficulties in Al-Shoubak district schools. To achieve the study objectives, a semi-experimental approach was used. The study was conducted on a sample of 60 male and female students, divided into two groups: an experimental group consisting of (30) students who were taught using the ABIP, and the second was a control group consisting of (30) students and were taught the traditional method. The results pointed out the effectiveness of using ABIP compared to the traditional method in acquiring scientific concepts among third graders with learning difficulties. It was also found that there are statistically significant differences attributed to gender variable in favor of males, and interaction between gender and the teaching method.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Reham Almohtadi, Intisar Aldarabah, Mustafa Jwaifell, Ruba shaarani.(2019). Predicting the Defeatists Behavior from Self-Esteem: Undergraduate Female Students Majoring in Kindergarten at Al-Hussein Bin Tala University. International Education Studies; Vol. 12, No. 12, P: 113- 122.
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This present study aimed at predicting the defeatist behavior from self-esteem among the undergraduate female students major kindergarten at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. The study used the descriptive correlative method, and study sample consisted of (41) female students from kindergarten major at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University for the academic year (2018/2019). For the purpose data collection two scales were used: The first one (Rosenberg, 1989) scale for self-esteem and the second scale (Kabatay, 1999) scale to measure the female students' defeatist behavior. Results of the study showed that self-esteem among the female students major kindergarten is at lower level than the medium level, also level of defeatist's behavior among the female students is medium. Also Results showed the presence of inverse correlation between self-esteem and the defeatist behavior
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صلاح، رائد والمهتدي، رهام (2021). درجة معرفة معلمات الصفوف الثلاثة الأولى في مدينة معان باستراتيجيات الحساب الذهني واتجاهاتهن نحوها(دراسة تقويمية). مجلة جامعة الحسين بن طلال للبحوث، الأردن، المجلد (3)، العدد (1)، الصفحات (97 - 108).
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هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن درجة معرفة معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى في مدينة معان بإستراتيجيات الحساب
الذهني واتجاهاتهن نحوها، تكونت عينة الدراسة من )121 )معلمة من معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى في مديرية التربية
والتعليم لمنطقة معان للفصل الدراسي األول من العام الدراسي 2019/2020 ،ولتحقيق أ هداف الدراسة تم استخدام استبانة
مكونة من جز أين: هدف الجزء األول منها إلى معرفة درجة استخدام معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى بإستراتيجيات الحساب
الذهني، في حين هدف الجزء الثاني منها إلى معرفة اتجاه المعلمات نحو هذه اإلستراتيجيات، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن درجة
معرفة المعلمات بإستراتيجيات الحساب الذهني قليلة، باستثناء معرفتهن بإست ارتيجية العد يقع في المستوى المتوسط، و تبين كذلك
وجود عالقة طردية بين عدد سنوات خبرة معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى ودرجة معرفتهن بإستراتيجيات الحساب الذهني
ً عالقة بين سنوات الخبرة وبين اتجاهات معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى نحو إستراتيجيات الحساب
وأبعادها، ووجود أيضا
كما تبين أن اتجاهات معلمات الصفوف الثالثة األولى نحو إستراتيجيات الحساب الذهني مرتفعة، و أظهرت النتائج أنه
يمكن التنبؤ من خالل درجة معرفة المعلمات في إستراتيجيات الحساب الذهني بدرجة اتجاهاتهن نحوها.
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- الكلمات المفتاحية
Laiali Almazaydeh,Reham Almohtadi,Mohammed Abu helaleh,Arar Al Tawil(2022). Virtual reality technology to support the independent living of children with autism. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Vol 12, No 4, P: 4111-4117 .
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Many designed systems have shown the potential of virtual reality (VR) to greatly transform autism treatment studies. Indeed, the literature shows that treatment via VR is appropriate for effective and repeatable training, without the intense anxiety, allowing trainees to recognize and modulate errors as they occur. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a new VR-based learning environment designed to safely practice and rehearse the daily activities related to the school world in children affected with autism. A total of nine children with autism actively enrolled in the study to learn and test their street crossing skills and social attention. Incremental change of difficulty levels has been added to the designed environment to generalize real-world situations, this includes overlaid distraction audio and increased vehicles intensity and speed. In order to enhance the learning experience, the real-time feedback is given according to the participant’s behavior, additionally, post processing profile is given for analysis purpose, where the participant’s behavior can be reviewed by parents and therapist to determine whether the participant’s mistakes are in decision making or focusing attention. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test for a single sample was used to test the change in the skills of participants with autism after using the educationally and therapeutically VR technology compared to a baseline. As a result, significant effects were found on the behavioral measures indicating that the VR-based learning environment is promoting a positive and informative learning environment.
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