كلية العلوم / قسم الرياضيات

د. سعدون عبدالله ابراهيم العبيدي

أستاذ مشارك
د. سعدون عبدالله ابراهيم العبيدي

  • السيرة الذاتية
  • التخصص: الاحصاء الرياضي
  • الكلية: كلية العلوم
  • القسم : قسم الرياضيات
  • البريد الالكتروني: Sadoonab57@gmail.com
  • رقم الهاتف: 00962-3-2179000Ext:6306

I have been teaching since 1986 - 2000 in Iraq where I started lecturer then grow up to Associated Professor. I moved to Jordan and start teaching since 2000 until now as Assistant professor. Now I'm proud to be Associated Professor in AHU.  

التطبيقات الاحصائية
الاحصاء الرياضي
المتسلسلات الزمنية
بحوث العمليات

● Bilal Al-Hasanat, Awni Al-Dababseh, E. Al-Sarairah, Sadoon Alobiady and Mahmoud Bashir Alhasanat; ,An Upper Bound to the Number of Conjugacy Classes of NonAbelian Nilpotent Groups,Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,13,(2),139--142,2017,Science Publications
● Razmy, Athambawa Mohamed; Faisa, Mohamed Ababneh; Ahmed, Al-Hadhrami; Zakir Hossain, Mohammad; Sadoon, Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Obaidy; ,Performance of joint quality monitoring schemes under Gaussian distribution,,,,,2020,Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
● Al-Obaidy, Sadoon Abdullah; Al-Hasanat, Bilal N; ,Classification Technique for Linear Discriminate Analysis For Civil Engineering students as per their Specialization,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS,57,4,10-25,2018,CENTRE ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL & ECONOMIC RESEARCH PUBL-CESER PO BOX 113 ROORKEE
Al-Ghzawi, Abdul Latief; Wedyan, Mohammad; Al-Obaidy, Sa'doon A; Al-Ramamneh, Ezz Al-Dein; ,Effects of soil type and rainwater harvesting treatments in the growth, productivity and morphological trains of barley plants cultivated in semi-arid environment,Australian journal of crop science,12,6,975,2018,Southern Cross Publishers

مؤتمر الرياضيات الاول - جامعة الحسين بن طلال 
مؤتمر العلوم التربوية - جامعة الحسين
وكاقة مؤتمرات الجمعية العراقية للعلوم الاحصائية

ورشة تطوير اعضاء هيئة التدريس
ورشة اعداد البحوث العملية
ورشة التطوير الاداري

مجلس البحث العلمي - جامعة الحسين بن طلال
وكافة اللجان في قسم الرياضيات - كلية العلوم

رسالة الماجسنير

November 2013 -Present

Associate Professor, Department of Math, College of Science, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan.

October 2002 –November 2013

Assistant Professor, Department of Math, College of Science, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan.

2000 - 2001

Assistant Professor, Department of Math, College of Science, Philadelphia, Jordan

1994 – 2000

Associated Professor([1]), Department of Statistics, College of Science, Al Qadisiya University, AL-Qadisiya, Iraq

1991 – 1994

Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, College of Science, Al Qadisiya University, AL-Qadisiya, Iraq

1986 – 1991

Lecturer, Department of Statistics, College of Science, Al Qadisiya University, AL-Qadisiya, Iraq

[1]) My highest position in my home country but due to Jordanian rules, I started back from Assistant. 

- امين سر مجلس قسم الرياضيات (لكافة السنوات تقريبا)
- رئيس قسم الرياضيات 2015-2016

الاحصاء والرياضيات

A) Postgraduates Courses:


(1) Econometrics for Ph. D. students.

(2) Statistics for M. Sc. students.


(1)   Probability theory

(2)   Time Series

B) Undergraduate Courses:


(1) Statistics.

(2) Linear Algebra.

 (3) Time Series and Index number.

(4) Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics.

(5) Inference.

(6) Regression Analysis.

(7) Introduction to Computer Science

(8) Econometrics.

(9) Calculus I and Calculus II.

(10) Applied Statistics.

(11) Quality Control.

(12) Biostatistics.

(13) Experimental Design.

(14) Operations Research.


(1)   Statistical Method.

(2)   Time Series

(3)   Probabilities theory

(4)   Mathematical Statistics.

(5)   Applied Statistics

(6)   Biostatistics.

(7) Operations Research.

تأليف كتاب بعنوان "نظرية الالعاب الاستراتيجية"
تأليف كتاب بعنوان "موضوعات متقدمة في بحوث العمليات"
اكتشاف توزيع احتمالي جديد

المؤهلات العلمية و الشهادات

Ph.D.,  Statistics, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

M.Sc.,  Statistics, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

B.Sc.,  Statistics, Al- Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

الساعات المكتبية