المنح الجامعية

توفر منحة دراسية لـ ICM لجامعة سانتياغو دي كومبوستيلا



Scholarship Available for ICM to University of Santiago De Composstella.


This is to announce that the call for application for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility with the University of Santiago De Compostella is now open until 24thMarch2019 for the academic year 2019/2020.


The available scholarship is for staff only in the field of Services, Inter-disciplinary program.

The instructions and link to the application tool are as follows:

1.      http://www.usc.es/en/perfis/internacional/mobilidade/ErasmusPlusInternationalCreditMobility.html


2.      http://www.usc.es/ka107/admin/


for more information please contact:


Dr.Bassam Abu Karaki

Dir. International Realtions Office
