المنح الجامعية

توفر منحة دراسية لـ ICM لجامعة سانتياغو دي كومبوستيلا

تاريخ النشر: 2019/03/18م



Scholarship Available for ICM to University of Santiago De Composstella.


This is to announce that the call for application for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility with the University of Santiago De Compostella is now open until 24thMarch2019 for the academic year 2019/2020.


The available scholarship is for staff only in the field of Services, Inter-disciplinary program.

The instructions and link to the application tool are as follows:

1.      http://www.usc.es/en/perfis/internacional/mobilidade/ErasmusPlusInternationalCreditMobility.html


2.      http://www.usc.es/ka107/admin/


for more information please contact:


Dr.Bassam Abu Karaki

Dir. International Realtions Office
